Prof. David N. Weil, Human Capital and Economic Growth

Prof. David N. Weil 


Human Capital and Economic Growth  1011.4551.01


Short Description:

This course investigates human capital with particular emphasis on its role in the process of economic growth and its variation across countries.  Topics addressed include measurement of human capital from education, health, and experience; determinants of optimal human capital investment;  the interaction of human capital accumulation and technological progress; measurement of school quality;  and welfare-theoretic measures of the value of health and longevity. 

Berglas building , 101


23.12.18 9:00-11:00  Sunday
26.12.18 9:00-11:00  Wednesday
27.12.18 9:00-11:00  Thursday
30.12.18 9:00-11:00  Sunday
2.01.19 9:00-11:00 Wednesday
3.01.19 9:00-11:00 Thursday


Class material:

Syllabus >

moodle >





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