Prof. Elhanan Helpman,International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment

Prof. Elhanan Helpman

International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment

Mini Course  1011.4694


Short Description:

After reviewing traditional approaches to foreign trade, the course will focus on recent developments. These include firm-level analysis of trade flows, the role of labor market frictions in the transmission of trade shocks, the impact of trade on inequality, and the role of globalization in growth and inequality

Berglas building , 101


Sunday 15.05.22 17:00-20:00
Monday 16.05.22 16:00-19:00   
Tuesday 17.05.22 16:00-19:00    
Wednesday   18.05.22 16:00-19:00    


There may be changes in the dates of the meetings. Students are asked to follow the information published on the school's website.


Class material: 






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