Prof. Konstantinos Meghir , Recent Advances in Empirical Labor Economics

Prof. Konstantinos Meghir

Recent Advances in Empirical Labor Economics 1011.4603.01


Short Description:

Understanding the process of human capital development and the way that interventions can affect outcomes is central to designing policies that can improve equal opportunity, reduce inequality and prevent the intergenerational transmission of poverty. To study this problem we the economist needs a large toolkit: we need to understand the nature of the human capital production function, how parents make decisions on child investments and what they know and understand about the child production function and finally how interventions can affect outcomes. This short course will consist of three parts. First, we will consider the design of experiments and experimental evidence on child development. Second, we will consider the estimation of Human capital production functions and we will discuss some empirical results in this direction; Finally, we will discuss dynamic economic models of parental investments and child outcomes.

Berglas building , 101


Monday 8.06.20 16:00 – 19:00
Tuesday 9.06.20 16:00 – 19:00
Wednesday 10.06.20 16:00 – 19:00
Thursday 11.06.20 17:00 – 19:00

Class material: 






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