Prof. Menzio Guido, Labor Markets with Search Frictions

Prof. Menzio Guido

Labor Markets with Search Frictions

Mini Course  1011.4721


Short Description:

The course aims at understanding the aggregate dynamics of the labor market from the perspective of search theory. What do we  learn about unemployment, vacancies and wages, once we depart from the neoclassical assumption of centralized and frictionless trade in the labor market, and replace it with the view that trade in the labor market is decentralized and subject to informational frictions?

Berglas building , 101


Sunday 29.05.22 17:00-20:00
Wednesday 1.06.22 16:00-19:00   
Monday 6.06.22 16:00-19:00    
Wednesday   8.06.22 16:00-19:00    


There may be changes in the dates of the meetings. Students are asked to follow the information published on the school's website.


Class material: 






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