Prof. Joel Mokyr, Topics in the Economic History of Europe in the twentieth century

Prof. Joel Mokyr


Topics in the Economic History of Europe in the twentieth century 1011.4620.01


Short Description:

The course will be concerned with economic developments in the European economies between 1890 and 1989, including growth, demographic changes, the Great Depression, economic aspects of the World Wars, and the historical significance of the rise and fall of the Communist economies.

Berglas building, rooms 101,011



13.12.16 16:00-19:00 :Room 101 Tuesday
14.12.16 16:00-19:00 :Room 101 Wednesday
20.12.16 16:00-19:00 :Room 011 Tuesday
21.12.16 16:00-19:00 :Room 101 Wednesday


Class material:

  moodle >









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