Prof. Dr. Benny Moldovanu, Voting in Legislatures and Committees: Theory and Applications

Prof. Dr. Benny Moldovanu

Voting in Legislatures and Committees: Theory and Applications  1011.4715.01


Short Description:

After a short review of the classical theory of voting, we shall analyze various voting procedures that are used in legislatures and committees. A main focus will be on the welfare properties of such voting procedure. We shall also look at a number of international case studies that illustrate the theory.

Berglas building 


Sunday 22.12.19 14:00 – 16:30 Berglas building , 009
Tuesday 24.12.19 16:00 – 18:30 Berglas building , 101
Tuesday 31.12.19 16:00 – 18:30 Berglas building , 101
Sunday 5.1.20 14:00 – 16:00 Berglas building , 101
Tuesday 7.01.20 16:00 – 18:30 Berglas building , 101

Class material: 


Syllabus for "Voting in Theory and in Practice" , Benny Moldovanu:


"A Nazi 'Killer' Amendment"

 (joint with Andreas Kleiner), Public Choice , July 2019, Pages 1-17


"Voting on Multiple Issues: What to Put on the Ballot?"

(joint with Alex Gershkov and Xianwen Shi), forthcoming Theoretical Economics.


 "Content-based Agendas and Qualified Majorities in Sequential Voting"

(joint with Andreas Kleiner), American Economic Review, Volume 107, Issue 6, June 2017, Pages 1477-1506.


"Optimal Voting Rules"

(joint with Alex Gershkov and Xianwen Shi), Review of Economic Studies, Volume 84, Issue 2, September 2017, Pages 688-717.


"Specialization and Partisanship in Committee Search"

(joint with Xianwen Shi), Theoretical Economics, Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2013, Pages 751-774.


 "The Art of Compromising: Voting with Interdependent Values and the Flag of the Weimar Republic"

(joint with Alex Gershkov, Andreas Kleiner and Xianwen Shi), University of Bonn, 2019


"Monotonic Norms and Orthogonal Issues in Multi-Dimensional Voting"

(joint with Alex Gershkov and Xianwen Shi), University of Bonn, 2018






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