Prof.Daniel Shoag , Finance and Policy

Prof. Daniel Shoag


Finance and Policy  1011.4669.01


Short Description:

This course will begin by exploring the unique features of local, as opposed to national, economies.

We will consider issues including regional convergence, capital and labor mobility, agglomeration, and capitalization, and we will evaluate these forces using recent economic data.

Having established an analytical framework for thinking about local economics, the course will turn to the institutions of sub-national governments and the challenges associated with state and local government financing.

We will discuss how existing state and local government policies affect economic outcomes and consider the feasibility and desirability of a number of “place-making” policies.

Berglas building, 101


6.05.18 17:00-20:00  Sunday
7.05.18 16:00-19:00  Monday
27.05.18 17:00-20:00  Sunday
28.05.18 16:00-19:00 Monday


Class material:

moodle >








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