Visitors 2014-2015
Every year the Berglas School of Economics hosts academic visitors from various fields of study. The full list follows in alphabetic order
Prof. Martin Eichenbaum , Northwestern University
Prof. Steve Tadelis, University of California, Berkeley
Aaron Bodoh-Creed, University of California, Berkeley
Prof. Leszek Balcerowicz,College of Europe
Prof.Russel Cooper
Prof.Jesus Fernandez Villaverde,University of Pennsylvania
Ben Brooks, University of Chicago
Kemal Yildiz, Bilkent University
Prof.Jorgen Weibull, Stockholm School of Economics
Prof. Jose Apesteguia ,Pompeu Fabra University
Prof. Giacomo Degiorgi,Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
Prof. Daniel Paserman, Boston University
Assaf Zimring, University of Michigan
Prof. Robert Pindyck ,Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sarah Moshary, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Prof. Shanker Satyanath,New York University
Prof.Stefan Penczynski ,University of Mannheim
Prof.Marco Manacorda,London School of Economics
Prof.Kurt Mitman,Stockholm University
Prof. Diego Ubfal, Bocconi University
Prof. Carolina Silva ,University of Alicante
Prof. Daniel Shoag,Harvard Kennedy School
Prof. Colander David ,Middlebury College
Prof. Joel Mokyr ,Northwestern University
Prof. In-Koo Cho,University of Illinois