Gideon Fishelson (1937 - 1995)
"On Water in the Quota", Hillman, A. E., Tower, E. and Fishelson, G. 1980, The Canadian Journal of Economics, 310-317.
"Elasticity of Factor Substitution in Cross-Section Production Functions", Fishelson, G., 1979, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 432-436.
"Relative Shares of Labor and Capital in Agriculture: A Subarid Area Israel, 1952-1969", Fishelson, G., 1974, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 348-352.
Working Papers
Equity, Nonfeasible Alternatives and Social Choice: A Reconsideration of the Concept of Social Welfare, E. Pazner, Foerder Institute for Economics Research, 1976
Competitive Efficiency in an Overlapping Generation Model with Endogenous Population, E. Pazner and A. Razin, Foerder Institute for Economics Research, 1979