Schankerman Mark, Topics in Applied Micro-econometrics
Prof. Schankerman Mark
Topics in Applied Micro-econometrics 1011.4556.01
Short Description:
The course covers recent empirical research on productivity, innovation, and patents. The focus is on the econometric aspects of this research, though some papers are a blend of applied theory and empirical work. For each topic, lectures and readings cover relevant econometric techniques (e.g., difference-in-differences, marginal treatment effects, regression discontinuity) and will emphasise the identification strategy in empirical papers.
Berglas Building, room 009
29.3.16 |
14:00 – 17:00 |
Tuesday |
3.4.16 room 101 |
14:00 – 17:00 |
Sunday |
5.4.16 |
14:00 – 17:00 |
Tuesday |
10.4.16 |
14:00 – 17:00 |
Sunday |
Lecture 1-2 : ec475_1> ec475_2 > ec475_3 >
Lecture 3-4 : Lecture_CHV_MTE._slides.pdf >
CompulsoryLicensing_Moser.pptx >
FurmanStern&Williams_Papers.pptx >
GalassoSchankerman_15March2016.pdf >